I hope you are staying warm as the temperature dips on an uncharacteristically cool late April evening. We had a busy but great weekend. The big news from last week was the coverage given to our new relationship with HackensackUMC, as reported in the Cancer Letter. If you have not seen it, check it out. I agree with Paul Goldberg; we are onto something important here.
Most of my intervening hours have been consumed by CCSG preparations. We are making progress, but there are so many moving parts. I feel very good about our readiness and the quality of the product, but this sure is a lot of work!
Click here to see an excerpt from our section on Organizational Capabilities. Carolyn Hurley devised the diagram, which is a brilliant distillation of a a large amount of very careful and thorough planning over the past four
I am not going to go into a lot more detail in this week’s blog – I have four more sections of the CCSG to read tonight!
Have a great week.