This past week has been dominated by my bad back. I returned from the Thanksgiving weekend with a lower back spasm that still hasn’t resolved. I have had this problem on and off since I was an intern, and while it rarely interferes with my activities, sometimes it rears its ugly head. So, if you see me walking with a tilt this week, you’ll know why. I am tentatively scheduled to go to San Diego this Tuesday for the annual antibody engineering meetings, but there is no way I can sit in an airplane for six hours and emerge upright. So, if I don’t improve dramatically over the next day or so, you’ll see me around later this week.
While I had to take it a bit easy last week, I still was pretty busy. We continue to plow through our CCSG preparations, and I anticipate another push in the coming week as I integrate the internal reviews of the sections that comprise the Directors Overview. I enjoyed speaking to the TBio Masters students about my research activities on Wednesday, and had a busy clinic as always on Thursday. I was able to attend much of the Ruesch Symposium on Friday afternoon, and thought it was an extraordinary event, with outstanding talks by real experts, and outstanding attendance as well. John Marshall should be justifiably proud of the success of this meeting and of the impact of the Ruesch Center.
Have a great week, and remember to flex your knees when bending over or picking up heavy objects!