So, this was a short week, and as I write this Wednesday many of us are scattering to the four winds to spend time with family to celebrate Thanksgiving. I do want to wish everybody a happy holiday weekend. Enjoy your post-prandial tryptophan induced comas, and be safe if you are traveling.
Also, I encourage you to attend at least part of the Ruesch Center’s three-day symposium, “Fighting a Smarter War Against Cancer: Linking Policy to the Patient.” December 1-3. John Marshall has put together a stellar roster of speakers and you won’t want to miss the discussion on health care reform and defining the value of cancer medicines.
Thursday will be held here at the Business School and Friday will be at the Law Center. On Saturday morning there will be a patient symposium with many of our Lombardi colleagues presenting. This is the type of event we should all be proud of and I commend John for pulling this together.
Enjoy the weekend.