Weekly post

An Appreciation

Greetings from the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) meeting in Chicago. I remain awed by the unbelievable extent and depth of the clinical research being presented at this absolutely huge meeting. I am writing this blog after a very long Saturday that started with a 7 a.m. flight. I am so tired that I chose to forgo the annual Lombardi get-together at a local establishment; I hope my colleagues understood.

I just want to take a moment to thank Ed Healton as he enters his final month of service as the medical center EVP. He took on an exceptionally challenging task in 2015 as interim EVP, planning to do that job for two years. Nine years later, here we are.

When I think about Ed’s tenure, several thoughts leap to mind. First of all, when he assumed his new responsibilities, he asked me to escort him to Lombardi’s labs and clinics so he could meet folks, see the facilities and immerse himself in his role. I was quite taken by his sincerity, gentlemanly demeanor and genuine warmth as we walked around. It was an early insight into his fundamental humanity.

The limits of that humanity were profoundly tested by the pandemic. His humility and steady hand proved to be pivotal as Georgetown navigated through a challenge unlike any in its history. We somehow emerged from that dark period not only intact, but better and more cohesive, bound by the experience of how we confronted and overcame common adversity. A lesser leader would have failed.

Ed’s time as EVP has positioned GUMC for future success by strengthening its sense of community through the re-energization of the Research Committee. He has promoted important collaborations across the University and has re-energized GUMC’s relationship with MedStar Health, through our Scientific and Educational Councils and by resurrecting the Council of Chairs. He reorganized GUMC research, creating two new schools of Health and Nursing, each with distinctive and crisp missions that resonate with GUMC’s key priorities.

I am grateful for his support of the cancer center’s mission, marked by two renewals of our comprehensive cancer center by the National Cancer Institute. We have had many conversations, many of them wonderful, some of them difficult, over the years, but Lombardi is stronger and more impactful in 2024 than it was in 2015.

Ed has my gratitude and best wishes as he moves into the next chapter of his life. What on earth will he do without three looming catastrophes and 10 Zoom calls each day? I’ll bet he can’t wait to find out.

He has made Georgetown a better place. Let’s honor his service by making the world a little bit better this week, each in our own way.


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