Congratulations to our Georgetown Lombardi team that won the Hyundai Hope On Wheels contest at the Washington, D.C. Auto Show this past weekend, and to Eugene Yuan for being the lucky guy whose key started the car that he won. We are good, but this is proof that it never hurts to be a little lucky too!
On a more sober note, greetings during these uncertain times. I’m encouraged that, despite these uncertainties, so many in our community remain determined and committed to the goals we’ve set for our work as we continue to pursue the common good as people for others.
So, we wait. We wait and we work. We will do our jobs, doing everything we can to reduce the burden of human cancer. We do important work, impactful work, work that benefits our community, the nation and the world. I am proud of what we do.
All of us are pushing forward. For example, I am working on two revised grants that are due in March, and I have never been prouder of the research they describe. I refuse to believe that good work will not be rewarded, somehow, some way. It is my light in the gathering darkness.
Let’s work together to light the way and make the world a better place, this week and every week in the future, until the job is done.
The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the text belong solely to the author, and not necessarily to the author’s employer, organization, committee or other group or individual.